The strategy of Lake Vesijärvi Foundation

The strategy of Lake Vesijärvi Foundation


Lake Vesijärvi Foundation aims to be a visible leader in water management  


Our mission is to enable the preservation and strengthening of the scientific, economic, and social environment of water management that is needed to bring the waters of the region into good condition.


The goal of the Lake Vesijärvi Foundation is to achieve at least good condition for Lake Vesijärvi, as specified by the water legislation, and to improve the recreational value and status of the key small lakes in the region. The aim is to continuously develop new policies to promote water management with a wide network of cooperation.

What does the strategy mean in practice?

The Kajaanselkä area of Lake Vesijärvi has improved to good condition according to the 2019 evaluation by the Environment Administration. The westernmost part of the lake, Laitialanselkä, is in practically the same condition as Kajaanselkä. The rest of the lake is judged to be in a satisfactory condition.

In the coming years, sufficient resources for water condition and load monitoring will be secured for the Kajaanselkä-Laitialanselkä area. In the case of Enonselkä and its neighbouring waters, the intensity of ecological restoration and internal load reduction will be significantly increased.

Of the smaller lakes that have significant recreational value, measures will be concentrated in particular to the worst-performing lake in the region, Kymijärvi, and also to Salajärvi and Ruuhijärvi that are affected by water level problems in the Nastola lake chain. In Hollola, special attention will be paid to the three lakes of Tiilijärvi and Työtjärvi, and also to Hahmajärvi, the only lake in Southern Hollola.

An essential part of the implementation is continuing to bring together private and public actors to secure a financial base for water management. 

The most important strategic partners in terms of expertise, funding, and visibility in water management are the city of Lahti, the municipalities of Asikkala and Hollola, the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Häme, University of Helsinki, Natural Resources Institute Finland and Lahden Teollisuusseura ry (Lahti Industrial Association). In terms of the measures taken in the lakes, the owners of the water areas are essential partners for the Lake Vesijärvi Foundation. With respect to catchment areas, landowners are at the centre of cooperation. 

The implementation of the strategy is made possible by extensive cooperation and diverse, multi-channel communication identifying different target groups.