1. Describe the deterioration of the water quality of Lake Immeln
- By collecting historical data and information from local people, the change of Lake Immeln from a nutrient-poor clearwater lake to a brownwater lake with algal blooms, will be described.
2. Investigate the occurrence of toxic cyanobacteria in Lake Immeln in combination with physical and chemical factors.
- A field study will be performed in the autumn which is the season where cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Immeln occur. At three different sites of the lake, the phytoplankton biomass, cyanobacterial toxins and relevant physical and chemical factors will be monitored weekly in the autumn. The purpose of this study is to pinpoint the factors that are relevant for the triggering of cyanobacterial mass developments in Lake Immeln.
3. Performing studies on the external load related to the brownification of Lake Immeln.
- Extensive field studies of about eight different water quality parameters at 45 different sites along the feeder streams will be performed. By studying the results and by using GIS and detailed information on the land use of the drainage area, the causes of the brownification of Lake Immeln may be clarified. In addition to this study and in cooperation with the Finnish partners, information on efficient methods for reduction of brown compounds in running water will be collected.
4. International cooperation and networking for finding and sharing best practices and knowhow in lake restoration.
- Osby Municipality will organize one international workshop in its region and participate in workshops organized by other project partners for changing knowledge and ideas in themes related to lake restoration.
Agne Andersson
Helene Annadotter
Web sites in English:
Osby kommun
Hola Lake Immeln