Lake Vesijärvi Foundation

The Lake Vesijärvi Foundation is a unique Finnish initiative that combines public and private resources to secure funding for research, maintenance, and management efforts focusing on Lake Vesijärvi and its catchment area. The foundation also works to improve the general public’s awareness of Lake Vesijärvi and its condition and to promote all efforts to improve its water quality.

The foundation was established in 2007 by the municipalities of Asikkala and Hollola, the City of Lahti, Esan Kirjapaino Oy, Kemppi Oy and Lahden Teollisuusseura ry.

Fundraising for Lake Vesijärvi

The Vesijärvi Foundation have a long-term plan for management efforts and a funding programme for its implementation. Funds will be raised by means of collaboration agreements made with companies and at various fundraising events. The funds will be administered by the foundation and distributed to organisations that implement efforts to save Lake Vesijärvi and small lakes within the region. The foundation also awards grants and subsidies and supports and promotes education and information efforts that promote conservation of nature and the environment.

The annual base funding of the Lake Vesijärvi programme comes to approximately one million euros. A third of the annual funding is administered by the City of Lahti, while the Lake Vesijärvi Foundation manages the remaining two thirds. Roughly 70% of the foundation’s funding comes from municipalities, with the remaining 30% contributed by companies, other organisations, and private donors. Active efforts to secure EU funding for the programme are also made.

The objective of the Lake Vesijärvi management programme is to maintain Kajaanselkä in its present good condition (as specifi ed in the EU Water Framework Directive) and for other parts of the lake to reach this status. Management activities will also be performed in the small lakes within the Lahti region.

The recreation value experienced by the lake’s users is an important indicator of the overall condition of the lake. The objective is to have clear and clean water, a rich variety of fishspecies, and large populations of fish that are good for recreational fishing. Having enough water plants in the right places as well as beaches that are good for swimming are also among our goals.

Photo Lasse Tuominen